Wednesday 26 November 2014

MacGuffin and Forest Gump


A MacGuffin is a plot device in form of a goal, desired objects. e.g. 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets' and the Wardrobe in Nania. It is the driver of a narrative.


In class we were given 3 objects, and we had to discuss and write down what these objects made us think of. This shows the different connotations that can be interpreted by only one object (the non literal meaning we interpret of something). The 3 objects and the things I wrote down were;
  • A glass bottle: drink, alcohol, drunk, party
  • Flower: summer, sun, holiday, garden
  • Remote control: TV, gogglebox, technology, lazy

Forest Gump

We then watched the opening of forest Gump with the feather falling and landing on him. We wrote down the connotations of the feather. The connotations I thought of were;
  • Birds
  • White
  • Floating
  • Freedom
  • Life

We can also use these connotations to predict what might happen later on in the film or signify a main character (Forest Gump)

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