Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Pre-Production- preliminary task

Pre Production of our preliminary task includes

  • Treatment
  • Script
  • Location scouting 
  • Story boarding 
  • Props
  • Crewing 
  • Shot listing 
  • Booking 
  • Risk assessment
Pre production is the longest part of film making, you have to make sure its all completed properly before you can shoot.

  • Treatment
Film Treatment
Film Title: Blind Date
Production Name: Production Team B
Film Duration: 1-2 Minutes
Director: Chloe Kennedy 
Assistant Director: Grace Chambers
Production Manager: Andrea Simpson 
Camera Man: Maisie Baker
Young Man: Jess Balmer
Young Woman: Claire Evans
Waitress: Grace Chambers
Young Man
·         The Young Man will be dressed quite formally, however he won’t appear too overdressed. He will be wearing a shirt and tie, but not a full suit.
Young Woman
·         The Young Woman will be very overdressed, wearing clothes of a rather old fashioned style. She will wear a rather garish dress that is a bright colour. She will have very big hair, and her makeup will be very over the top, with bright red lips that aren’t very neat, with some on her teeth, and heavy eye makeup.
A Young Man named Edward, around the age of 21, has been set up on a blind date by his friends. He knows very little about the Young Woman he will be meeting, with all he knows being that the Young Woman is of a similar age to him. The film is based around the idea of dating, and follows different couples as they go on dates across the world, showing the good and bad of dating in the modern day. Dating apps will be used to set up dates, as well as dates between long-time friends, blind dates, and speed dating. The film shows how dating differs greatly to that which was happening only 20 years ago. The film is based around the idea that it isn’t always love that brings us onto these dates any more.
We have chosen to film our scenario in a room that will be dressed to look like a sophisticated restaurant, somewhere that the female character will look far to overdressed to be.

  •  Script
Blind Date
Production Team B

A rather sophisticated restaurant in Marlow. It’s about 6:00 in the evening. The restaurant is fairly busy, with people drinking their beverages, and eating their meals.
One of these people is a YOUNG MAN. The YOUNG MAN is sat waiting nervously at one of the tables. He checks his watch, whilst soft music, probably from a piano plays in the background.
At this point, a YOUNG WOMAN walks through the door. The YOUNG WOMAN appears over dressed for the occasion, and a large portion of the restaurant stare at her. The YOUNG WOMAN eyes over the restaurant, before spotting the YOUNG MAN and going over. The YOUNG MAN stands to greet the YOUNG WOMAN.
Hi, I’m Edward, but you may call me Ed.
YOUNG WOMAN puts yellow marigold glove on her right hand in a comedic fashion, with a snapping noise created when she lets go of the glove against her skin. The YOUNG WOMAN then offers her hand to the YOUNG MAN,
Well, my name’s Guinevere, but you can’t call me Gwen.
YOUNG MAN awkwardly shakes hand of YOUNG WOMAN. YOUNG MAN sits in his chair. Meanwhile, YOUNG WOMAN stands waiting by her own chair, until YOUNG MAN realises, stands up and pushes the chair of the YOUNG WOMAN in, however too far, and created a large noise. They now sit, staring awkwardly
Well, I had an absolutely diabolical time getting here. I had to get on a bus, with other people. I had to pay, whilst all these, what I call elderly simply got on without spending a penny. It was an outrage I tell you.
The voice of the YOUNG WOMAN becomes muffled as the YOUNG MAN zones out of the conversation, completely unaware that the YOUNG WOMAN is still talking to him.
What do you think?

Um, no?
Do you mean to say that you don’t like my hair?
At this point, a WAITRESS walks in, ready to take the orders of the YOUNG MAN and YOUNG WOMAN.
Are you ready to order?
Err, steak and chips.
And for you?
Do you have anything meat free, dairy free, calorie free, gluten free, and nut free? Oh, and fat free.
I can offer you water, madam?
You are unbelievable! You should cater for everyone, especially seeing as I’m not even that fussy. I could name several establishments who are able to meet my needs.
The YOUNG MAN sneaks out of the restaurant, out of view of the YOUNG WOMAN, who is well involved in her argument with the WAITRESS.
Have you never heard of (using a bad French accent) ‘Ipsum Dolor’, the famous French restaurant in Paris? I’m certain my date here can assure you. Ed? Ed? Edward?
The YOUNG MAN can be seen from the window running at high speed from the restaurant, and the YOUNG WOMAN can be seen at the window, calling for the YOUNG MAN to come back.

  • Location scouting
We decided that our location would be room five because that is a good room to dress in order to look like a sophisticated restaurant.
  • Story boarding & Casting  

- Young man: Jess Balmer 
- Young women: Claire Evans 
- Waitress: Grace Chambers 
+ Extras 
- Director: Chloe Kennedy 
- Assistant Director: Grace Chambers 
- Production manager: Andrea Simpson 
- Camera man: Maisie Baker 

  • Props
- Yellow marigold glove  (surprise prop given by Mr Lucus) 
- Plates 
- Table cloth/s 
- Chairs 
- Glasses 
- Pen 
- Notepad 
- Napkins 
- Tie 
- Apron 
- Wine bottle 
- Feather boa 
  • Rist Assessment 
Person at Risk
Risk Control Measure
Lost Crew
Film Unit
Film unit must stay together at all times during filming, and head counts must be done before leaving a location, and when arriving at a new location.
All Crew (Students) under 18 to apply to ALL hazards
Film Unit/Actors
Weather must be checked prior to filming so that correct precautions can be taken in terms of location and safety.

First Aid
Film Unit/Actors
Production Manager must be responsible for access to all First Aid facilities and have all emergency contact numbers.

Lack of Unit Organisation
Film Unit
Production Manager must oversee all tasks done by crew members. Crew must also be briefed about the day before filming commences.

Running outside/chance of tripping
Actors (Young Man)
Check route of run before the run occurs. Production Manager must move all hazards on route before filming starts.

Using knives
Production Manager must oversee the use of knives (cutlery) whilst on set to prevent any injuries.

Using water around electricity
Film Unit/Actors
Make sure that the bottle of water used in the scene is kept well away from the equipment used to film at all times.

Injuries from trips, falls etc.
Film Unit/ Actors
Production Manager to ensure all equipment is safely out of the way of all members of cast and crew.
Tripod must be watched and controlled, and when not in use, must be moved out of the way.

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