Tuesday 25 November 2014

Production- preliminary task

PRODUCTION- shooting

The production of our film was probably the quickest process of making our film. 
  • Process
We has to set up the room to make it look like a restaurant rather than a classroom, to do this we rearranged the tables and seated our extras to make the restaurant look busy. The cast got into their costumes. 
  • Rules 
We wanted the cast to learn their lines so they wouldn't have to have the script with them whilst we were filming. This made our film look a lot more professional.
  • Issues
The issues we came across when shooting were that the cleaner was hovering the class rooms so we had to work around that; ask him to stop while we shot or wait for him to finish. Also people in out cast were part of the other production team who were shooting at the same time as us so we had to wait for them to do the scenes we needed them for, people from out group were also in their cast so we had to work around that aswell.

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